The horny stranger experiment

Our fake young woman, revealed!

Introducing XXXHennessee

The face that made our strangers horny

"Hello. I'm the sexy slut you all have been dying to meet."
"..." <- She's not going to say anything, she's not real, dumbass.
Profile: None Profile: XXXHennessee
E-mail: E-mail:
Real Name: John Real Name: ??? (Jill Hennessee sounds good)
Location: Syracuse, NY Location: Albany, NY
Age: 25 Age: 21
Mar. Status: Single Mar. Status: Single and Looking
Occupation: Self-Employed Occupation: Full Time College Student
Hobbies: Proving that hormones Hobbies: I can't type that here, this is
  are more powerful than   supposed to be a _family_ site! It
  logic.   might be three little letters though. ;)
Fav: Quote: "The human race is Fav. Quote: "If it's fun, it can't be too bad for
  pathetic, yet funny!"   you. If it's dangerous, it's probably
    more fun!"

Its hard to believe that one picture could cause so many reactions. It proves that if you're a woman, its 1000 times easier to get ass. To our friends Jerry, Jason, Hardo and everyone else, thanks for the entertainment. You all are pretty decent guys and you shouldn't give up hope. Just think twice before you send an e-mail to that pretty girl you saw on the web. She could be a 25 year old guy with a love of satire, and you could become just another horny stranger.